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We operate a mixed fruit and vegetable in NS.  I have been involved in farming since my Father had a dairy farm in 1948.

The farm eventually evolved into tobacco growing in the 1970’s and in the 1980’s we grew cantaloupe and peppers for export to New England,  strawberry plants for the Florida market, and strawberries and vegetables for the local market.

We began using Nature’s Aid Crop Booster in 2016 on our strawberry plants for export and noticed quite a difference in the plants.  The plants were more numerous and larger than previous years and generally healthier looking overall.  We have used Crop Booster (now Super Crop) on our green peppers and watermelons in each of the last two years with a noticeable difference in size of the plants, speed of growth, along with increased size and quality of produce.

In 2019 we used Nature’s Aid Early Riser to give our seeds a head start and Soil Aid Soil Inoculant on our cabbage, watermelon and pepper seeds in our greenhouse.  These products accelerated sprout emersion and plant root development.  We saw a difference from other years in plant size, color and stress resistance. We applied Super Crop at the transplant to field stage to help minimize transplant shock and it seemed to boost the plants along.

We can honestly say that these products have contributed to very good growth of our crops over the past four years.  It is especially noticeable since we transplanted this year, despite this Spring being just about the coldest, wettest we have seen over our many years of farming in the Valley.

We don’t hesitate to recommend Nature’s Aid Products and wish successful growing to all.

I also want to add that we have enjoyed our relationship with Mr. Del Lowe of Nature’s Aid Atlantic.  Del is very knowledgeable and interested in the growing business and has assisted us many times with problems we might have encountered.  So thank you Del!!


Harry M.

We operate a small no-spray vegetable farm in N.S.. Our vegetables are sold at the Historic (Brewery) Farmers Market in Halifax, as well as at a road side stand on our farm.

In the spring of 2016, I was introduced to Del who was visiting a neighbor’s farm and Nature’s Aid  Products, I was interested in what Del said about the products and decided to use them on my 2 acre pumpkin crop.

I first applied Soil Aid to a seed furrow before planting my seeds which were pre-soaked with Early Riser; the soil was very dry as we had no early to mid- June rain. The rows were separated at 60”, the seeds were sown at 8-10”, then covered. Germination was in the 90%+ range which I thought was excellent due to the dry conditions.

The sprouts emerged in about 7-10 days.  I then applied the first application of Crop Booster Super Crop at about the third leaf stage.

A second application of Crop Booster Super Crop was applied at about 2 weeks.  At this time I was barely able to drive through the rows, straddling each row, without driving over runners.  The field was cultivated only once and the plants manually weeded only once as growth did not permit entry into the field.

Del visited the field at about 6 weeks after planting and witnessed plants about 30” in height with very large leaf growth,  Note: this field had one application of manure tilled under in the previous fall, no other treatment except Nature’s Aid ProductsIn spite of this being one of the driest years in a long time and with no irrigation, the crop was the best I have had in many years.

I am convinced that the Nature’s Aid products had a great influence in the final crop.  I purchased Winter Fix, the fall soil application which I applied in early December. It is my intention to follow the same procedure in 2017 and use it on all the melons I grow.

George, N.S.

We operate a small mixed vegetable and fruit farm in New Ross. We market our fruit and vegetables at the local Farmers Markets from Spryfield to Bridgewater.

After trialling some Nature’s Aid products in 2015 we took a serious interest in Nature’s Aid Products in the Spring of 2016 and decided to use them on our Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Squash and Ground Cherries.

All of our Sweet Potato slips and our Pumpkin, Tomato, Squash and Ground Cherry seeds were presoaked in Early Riser before planting. As these plants grew, we also applied Crop Booster Super Crop a couple of times throughout the season. Our soil was very dry as we had hardly any rain in June and although we have irrigation, our source went dry in August.

Sweet Potatoes: Despite the exceptionally dry conditions throughout the season, we had the best crop of sweet potatoes we have had in 7 years and they seem to be holding up well in cold storage.

Cougar Pumpkins: The average size of the Cougar Pumpkins we grow is supposed to be in the 10-12 lb range, ours were 18 – 20 lbs.

Tomatoes: Our tomato crop was the largest we have had in 10 – 12 years and the quality of the fruit was excellent.

Ground Cherries: Our Ground Cherry crop was larger than normal and we noticed we had no splitting of the fruit which had been our usual experience.

Butternut Squash: Our Waltham Butternut Squash did exceptionally well, the average size is supposedly 4 -6 lbs but ours averaged 8 – 12 lbs and definitely kept better over winter.

Despite the fact that 2016 had been the hottest, driest year in a long while and with limited irrigation, our crop was the best we have had in many years.

We are quite certain that the Nature’s Aid products we used had a substantial influence on our final yield. We will be using Nature’s Aid Products on these crops and others while following a similar procedure in 2017.

Glenn & Cindy, N.S.

First-time User of Soil-Aid by Diamond Fertilizers Inc.

Treated Crop:  RR Soybeans 2016, Illinois USA

Products Used: Soil-Aid (pre-seed), Early Riser (applied to seed), (note: Crop Booster Super Crop not used.)

Fertilizer was put on both before planting and Round Up was used post emergent. Both plots received the same treatment but on my test plot I used Early Riser and one application of Soil-Aid.

Random Sampling:  4 Plants Per Sample,  2 Pair, Side By Side


I                          Control              Test              Change            % Change

Height                    45”                    54”                +9”               +20

Pods                      231                   258               +27              +11.7

(53,55,66,57)    (61,69,62,66)

Beans                    482                   548              +66               +13.7

Weight                 2.9 oz.               3.6 oz.          + 0.7 0z         + 24

II                   Control              Test              Change              % Change

Height                    45”                    53”              +8”                +18

Pods                      187                   242             +55               +29.4

(44,43,50,45)    (58,59,61,64)

Beans                    390                   429             +39               +10

Weight                 2.3 oz.               2.7 oz.            + 0.4 0z             +17.3

III                 Control              Test              Change              % Change

Height                    43”                    54”            +9”                  +20.9

Pods                      188                   232           +44                 +23.4

(44,48,50,46)     (59,49,70,62)

Beans                    457                   514           +57                 +12.5

Weight                 2.8 oz.               3.4 oz.       + 0.6 0z          +21.4

Combine Results

Soybeans – 1 Bushel = 60 lbs.

.177 Acres each of Control and Test

.177 X 5.65 = 1 Acre

Control                   Test

470 lbs.                  560 lbs     (+90 lbs.)

X 5.65                    X 5.65

2655.5 lbs.             3164 lbs.

÷ 60                        ÷ 60

_______                _______

44.26 bu/ac          52.73bu/ac (+19.1%)




 8.47 bushels per acre increase!



I have always been for doing things the right way…….the natural way. 

Regardless,  of the difficulty and unforseen challenges we progressed forward to develop a section of the farm dedicated to growing hybrid daylilies and vegetables that would flourish in the weak Florida Soil and hostile Florida climate.

We searched around for a product that we could use in our production that we could see results and be representative to the rest of the farming community, nurseries, and golf courses in central Florida.  When we started using your product we were skeptical because everyone nowadays is so pro-chemical that the only way to be successful was with the use of chemicals.  Well we proved them wrong.

We took a shot gun approach as what were going to grow, whatever did best we would focus on for future seasons.  I know you are very familiar with the trials and tribulations we have gone through because you have been there every step of the way.  Anyway, let me not bore you with the failures, here is some important feedback after using the Nature’s Aid line to include Soil Aid.  (please note we have only used your product NO other fertilizers, soil amenities, nothing except monthly weedkiller)  Here are some of our findings to our 2-3 acre raised beds:

Ghost Peppers-  Although this is perennial production stops in winter, not mine, they have continued to produce year round

Beans- We have 6 hoop houses we decided to plant variety of beans near poles of hoop-house, the bean overtook the hoop houses and shaded out other plants

Tobacco- they also never died off, they continue to regrow and reseed even when cut back.

Hybrid Day Lillies – typical seed germination to flower close to 2 years, ours were flowering after 10 months

Okra- seed germination within 5-6 days

Pasture- sprayed one pasture approx 1-2 acres and it remained green throughout winter which is atypical for Bahia.

We were also growing winter forage for cattle got out of control in area where it was seeded so we decided not to reseed this year.

We also noticed we need to water about 1/3 less than we used to.  We have a long way to go but we are on the right path.

By luck or the Grace of God, we found Nature’s Aid products and even more importantly you.  You have been a patient friendly voice to hear on the phone especially when we were going through rough times and when we needed additional advice you had Ryan get in touch with us and he was very friendly and helpful too.  So my hat off to you and the team and thank you for your patient support.  We are proud to promote the Nature Aid line and you for your steadfast support.   AJ

“After using Nature’s Aid for many years and seeing what it will do, I won’t put in a crop without it.”


Early Riser 2015

Customers own germination trial. Picture speaks for itself.

R.T & M.G.

“The Soil-Aid really does hold moisture. Our soil would still be moist even though our neighbor’s fields were really dry on top. We also noticed after a heavy wind storm went through, our barley was still standing and the neighbor’s was flat on the ground.”


Customer asked about competitive products:

“Even though we got rooked with some of those products, we hung in there because we knew if the product was good the results were good. We are happy with the results Nature’s Aid have given us over the years.”


“Since starting to use Soil-Aid: some of our alkali problems we had are starting to go the other way. We have been getting better water penetration, less run-off, also we’re building our organic matter and soil structure, so now we have better moisture retention, not so much evaporation.”


“We have found increased mineral content in the grain we keep for our hogs and feedlot vs. the grain we bring in.”
