Nature’s Aid

Helping Agriculture and the Ecology

We’ve put 40 years of research and thousands of trials into products that help agriculture production and the environment at the same time.

Our Full Product Lineup

Soil Aid – Spring Soil Application

Applied directly on the soil by sprayer or irrigation water


Rejuvenates the soil by stimulating the biological activity of the soil, restoring ecological balance.


This porous soil will have more available nutrients and an ability to trap and store moisture, which reduces water needs which results in energy savings.

Increased Production

Customers report an increase in production and quality after using Soil Aid.

Early Riser – Seed Treatment

Applied directly to seed

Quicker Germination

Stimulate quicker germination and emergence.

Increased Yields

Seeds treated with Early Riser generally have double sprouting and will produce numerous stools. This creates the potential for greatly increased yields.

Healthier and Productive Plants

Early Riser creates an environment that stimulates mycorrhizal fungi which helps provide phosphorous and other essential elements necessary for plant growth.

Super Crop – Foliar Feed

Applied to crop throughout the growing cycle (3-4 leaf stage to maturity)

Crop Production

A Foliar Feed/top dressing is an efficient, effective approach to crop production. Super Crop will stimulate the production of proteins & sugars within the plant, increasing yield while providing protection from stressors.

Accelerate Up-Take

Mixing Super Crop with chemical fertilizer or herbicides will accelerate their activity & up-take by as much as 50%.

Save Money

Super Crop has the potential to save thousands annually in input costs.

Winter Fix – Fall Soil Application

This fall soil application is applied post-harvest

Recondition & Enhance

Soil amendment to recondition & enhance the soil in the off-season

Speeds Decay

Speeds the decay of crop residue or trash.

Breakdown Chemicals

Rapidly helps microorganisms breakdown the chemical residues from previous applications of herbicides, pesticides & fungicides.

The Nature’s Aid Program

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.

Step 1: Soil Aid

  • Apply 250mL per acre in spring.
  • Can be applied with other products during pre-seeding burn-off.

Step 3: Super Crop

  • Apply 125mL per acre to crop post emergence. 
  • Can be applied 2 – 3 times thru growing season with herbicide, fungicide, or insecticides.

Step 2: Early Riser

  • Apply 50mL per bushel of seed.

Step 4: Winter Fix

  • Apply 250mL per acre after harvest. 
  • Can be applied with other products during burn-off in fall.